Boost Your Confidence With Veneers

If you have chipped, broken or misshapen teeth, and large gaps between your teeth that make it difficult to eat comfortably or talk clearly; then veneers is the best cosmetics treatment which can make your smile shining.

How do dental Veneers work?

The process of getting veneers typically involves several steps. 

First, meeting dentist to discuss your options and prepare the tooth surface by removing enamel if necessary. 

Then, an impression is taken of your teeth so that custom-made veneers can be fabricated before they are permanently attached onto existing dental material using special adhesive.

Three types of dental veneers

  • Porcelain Veneers

    very hard, durable and stain-resistant material. It can last up to 15 years but it's expensive.

  • Composite Veneers

    it's affordable and can be placed in just one treatment. composite veneers will be effective up to 5 years.

  • Ceramic veneers

    is the most popular types of veneers, due to its natural look but it takes more time than other types and temporary.

Why people love Minty Dental?

Based on 3 reviews
Allie Szuba
Allie Szuba
Meredith Kelly
Meredith Kelly
Dr Marjan was so kind!! Best dental experience I have had so far. I would recommend this office to any friend or family member!
munia dawood
munia dawood
Dr. Marjan is very professional. She explained everything to me before we started working on my tooth. I did not feel anything. Super nice and the staff is friendly. Nice office, highly recommend

Before & After

A natural look for our patients’ missing teeth, it’s your turn now to get the smile you deserve.






Whether you’re looking for more information about dentistry services, we hope this section will help answer any questions you may have.

Why dental veneers is considered as cosmetics treatment?
Because it improves the teeth appearance permanently through adding custom-made shells that are bonded to the front surface of the teeth.
How long do dental veneers last?
The lifespan of dental veneers is largely determined by their material and your teeth care. Some veneers like Porcelain tend to last 10-15 years, but others can be less from 5-7 years
Are dental veneers painful?
The process of getting dental veneers is generally painless, as the teeth are numbed with a local anesthetic during preparation.
What is the caring procedures to maintain my veneers?
You should brush your teeth regularly and avoid biting chewing on hard objects. Also, you need to make check-up based on your treatment plan.
Are dental veneers covered by insurance?
It considered as a cosmetic treatment, so maybe portion of the cost is covered by the insurance but generally are not.

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